Philatelic Links
Philatelic organizations are the non-commercial life blood our hobby. The BC Philatelic Society is pleased to provide links to the web sites of stamp clubs in Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest. If you would like to include your organization, please send appropriate information to the president.

2014 Year of the Horse (
Victoria Stamps provides information about and links to stamp clubs, philatelic organizations, exhibitions, and bourses throughout Vancouver Island and the British Columbia mainland. It includes worthwhile philatelic articles and postal history offerings. |
British North American Philatelic Society (BNAPS), specialist society for collectors of British North America stamps and postal history, publishers of the BNA Topics. Offers archives, circuit books, youth programs, annual exhibitions. |
Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (RPSC), publishers of the Canadian Philatelist. Offers circuit books, archives, membership list, and on-line exhibits. |
American Philatelic Society (APS), publishers of the American Philatelist. Offers expertising services, Stamp Store, American Philatelic Research Library, membership lists, Q&A section, and exhibiting information. |
Northwest Federation of Stamp Clubs, the umbrella group of philatelic organizations in Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, sponsor of the annual PIPEX stamp show. |
Vancouver Post Card Club (VPCC) meets monthly, and sponsors an annual, well-attended show and sale. (Postcards are not strictly philatelic collectables, but recent changes in philatelic exhibiting rules allow postcard exhibits and many philatelists include postcards as collateral items in their collections and exhibits.)
Peach Arch Stamp Club, A very active philatelic club located in South Surrey - White Rock. Meets on the first Wednesday of each month, except July and August. Meeting location is 15008-26 ave, South Surrey. Meets on the first Wednesday of each month, except July and August. (Surrey Seniors Come Share Society Building). Meetings start at 5:00pm and free parking is available. For more info, please visit us. |
Additional Links / Resources |
The Vancouver Book Fair is the only antiquarian, collectible and rare book fair in Western Canada, and will feature many of Canada's top booksellers. A wide selection of antiquarian, collectible and rare books, ephemera, maps, prints, manuscripts, photographs and works on paper will be on offer at the fair. |
The North Shore Numismatic Society is a non-profit society working for the advancement of numismatica at all levels. Membership is open to all interested parties. Membership is not required to attend meetings which are held the third Tuesday of each month located at: Bonsor Recreation Centre, 6550 Bonsor Ave. (behind Metrotown). Meetings start at 7:00pm and free parking is available. For more info, visit |